New format worked well at Eastern region workshop

New format worked well at Eastern region workshop


The YDP workshop programme has certainly kicked off with a bang this year with a new look host for the first workshop of the summer. The Eastern region workshop team headed to the East of England Showground, Peterborough, where William Haire welcomed some 19 participants.
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Cattle came from from Shadwell, Duncan and Tracey Jeary’s Briston herd, Hawstead Lodge and Nick & Liz Reid with Robert Clarke taking care of halter changing and knot tying; Kevin Byford on the clipping demonstrations and training, while new trainer for 2016 Duncan Jeary took care of the washing workshop and William Haire took the lead in the stockjudging.
Kevin also took the participants through the carious dressing products available for use, while William conducted a great ring craft seminar.
The YDP team are indebted to the East of England team and the East Anglia Club who made everyone feel incredibly welcome and worked really hard. The 2016 weekend event takes place at the Showground in September, so it will be great to return for the final activities.
Here’s some snippets of a great day’s training…..
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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Youth Development Program
