The AGM of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association will take place at the Mullingar Park Hotel, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath on Saturday, February 16th at 2pm. In addition to the usual AGM business, a presentation of the Association’s ‘Three Year Plan’ will also take place, directly after the AGM has concluded. The plan has been the main order of business at council level over the last number of months and has been developed by the Presidential team with the support of council members. It aims to give strategic direction to the Association in the medium term and provides a comprehensive set of objectives and measures that will assist the Association in maintaining its current position as the #1 beef breed in Ireland. Several new initiatives and events will be announced for the coming year and all members are especially encouraged to attend on the day.
The AGM and subsequent presentation are open to all members of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association and Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society and for more information, please contact the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association office on 071 9632099 or email [email protected]