Aberdeen-Angus tops BCMS registrations

Aberdeen-Angus tops BCMS registrations


The Aberdeen-Angus breed has come out top in the BCMS 2021 registration results.

With 471,528 registrations across the year, Robert Gilchrist, acting CEO of The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society says, it is fantastic to be leading the way when it comes to beef production.

“Having the largest membership of any UK beef breed society, topping the BCMS table is something we’ve had our sights set on for the last few years and are pleased to have now achieved this,” says Mr Gilchrist.

Mr Gilchrist believes the latest figures, which show a 4.5% growth in market share since 2018, which takes Aberdeen-Angus to 24.41%, is as a result of the on-going promotion of the breed coupled with a changing beef and dairy supply chain that sees the value that native breeds have to play.

“It’s widely documented that British agriculture is facing the biggest changes and challenges in over 50 years,” he notes. “Farmers are being met with a reduction of BPS payments alongside mounting consumer pressure to produce sustainable beef that benefits the environment.

“This has brought into focus for farmers more than ever, the need to have an efficient and viable business, and much of this is down to genetics and the breed they focus on to meet the market demands of today’s consumers,” he says.

“The Society has been promoting the benefits of the breed to beef producers in terms of sustainability for some years and we’re now starting to reap the rewards in terms of the number of Aberdeen-Angus cattle registered within the UK.

“We have a beef herd book to be proud of but there is also major opportunity within the dairy sector for our Aberdeen-angus genetics. Traits such as easy calving, high calf vigour and low input finishing are attractive qualities that can help ensure every calf is reared to suit dairy systems but with the end beef market in focus,” says Mr Gilchrist.

There is no doubt that with an increasing focus on business viability and sustainability credentials, Aberdeen-Angus will continue to be the number one breed able to produce beef fit for the future.

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