Farmers who have been involved in or have an interest in SRUC projects about feed efficiency and/or greenhouse gases from beef systems have the opportunity to attend the SRUC Beef Research Stakeholder Event on Monday 3rd October 2016 at Easter Howgate Farm, Bush Estate, Edinburgh. This is a great opportunity for Aberdeen-Angus breeders given the Society’s current work in various FCE trials.
Topics covered at the meeting will be addressing the following:
- Overview of industry challenges and opportunities
- National breeding programme for feed efficiency
- Markers or proxies for feed efficiency
- Animal health and livestock system efficiency
- Precision livestock farming technologies to increase efficiency
- Diet and additive effects on methane emissions
Please respond to the following email by Tuesday 20th September if you plan to attend: [email protected]
- Start time: 10.30am (coffee) for 11am
- 11am to 1pm: short presentations of work at locations around the farm
- 1pm: lunch (served at the farm)
- 2pm: forum to discuss beef research priorities and opportunities
- Finish time: 3pm