Successful Launch of the 2024 YDP Workshops

Successful Launch of the 2024 YDP Workshops


Saturday the 25th of May kicked off the first of YDP Workshops of 2024 at John and Sandra Blackburn’s Farm, home to the Killaney herd in Clogher, Co Tyrone.

A huge thank you to our host, the trainers, our national coordinator for Northern Ireland Niall Lynch, the parents, and the participants – your support made it all possible!

Update from Niall Lynch “We had a fantastic day at our first Aberdeen-Angus Youth Development (not just for Angus breeders) workshop of 2024. Thank you to the Blackburn family of Killaney Aberdeen-Angus, Clogher, Co Tyrone for hosting us and providing a fantastic lunch for everyone.”

“It was a massive turn out on the day and I have to thank all my trainers and also the Northern Ireland Aberdeen-Angus Club for all their help. I would also like to thank the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society for their support and backing of a great programme for the future stock men and women. The enthusiasm and eagerness to learn from our participants was truly inspiring and they are geared up for future YDP events.”

“We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our next workshop on Saturday 15th of June in Oldcastle, Co Meath, hosted by the McEnroe family at Liss Aberdeen Angus.”


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