Summer Shows

Summer Shows


#ukirelandregions-html5-map-map-container_0 { } #ukirelandregions-html5-map-map-container_0 .fm-tooltip-name { color: #54585A; font-size: 20px; font-family: 'Lato','Sans-Serif'; } #ukirelandregions-html5-map-map-container_0 .fm-tooltip-comment { color: #a3bb38; font-size: 14px; font-family: 'Lato','Sans-Serif'; } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { #ukirelandregions-html5-map-map-container_0 { float: none; width: 100%; } } jQuery(function(){ var hightlighted = null; ukirelandregionshtml5map_map_0 = new FlaShopUKIrelandRegionsMap(ukirelandregionshtml5map_map_cfg_1); ukirelandregionshtml5map_map_0.draw('ukirelandregions-html5-map-map-container_0'); ukirelandregionshtml5map_map_0.on('mousein', function(ev, sid, map) { if (hightlighted && sid != hightlighted) { ...

Judges Panel

Judges Panel


The Aberdeen-Angus Panel of Judges First published in 1945. The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society maintains this list of Council approved judges of Aberdeen-Angus cattle. To request to be added or removed from this list, please email [email protected]

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